
Our Events

Seminar And Conference

We are committed to exceptional teaching with inspiring, enthusiastic and friendly teaching staff that can lead you to touch the individual goal.

Global Approach

At Rabindra S. S. Law College, a student is part of an integral community. Our students are drawn from around the country and are encouraged to integrated national and international studies. We believe if you understand the world you can make a difference to it.

Flexible Growth

Our approach to legal education is flexible and aimed at maximizing the student’s choices in a rapidly changing world.

Empirical Activism

Law is the very empirical science that comes from soil to students directly. The daily interaction and exchange enrich our students through practical piece of instructions derived from our research scholars.

Futuristic Focus

The novelty of our approach towards teaching and teaching method makes our students quiet at home and vibrant with zest to prove their worth.

Value Added Skills

Apart from class room teaching, practical class, moot court etc., we provide all the up-to-date credentials like, computers, communication, inter-individual and management etc. Our graduates are self confident, self valiant to undergo any kind of challenging job.

Career Pragmatism

We help you to spot a career path from the very first day in our college. We can give you a graphical sketch of your career to come. The intending students may set up legal practice as advocates who can supply sound tips to win the clients and retain them. Those who aspire to join judicial or legislative field may have good amount of facilities to add on themselves either by writing drafts or writing judgments on paper in their spare time. Even who wish to get involved in political field may intensify in mock parliamentary debate.

Annual Sports And Co-Curricular Activities

No healthy body means no healthy mind. To ensure all round development of each and every soul, cultural performances play as if fresh air to lung. Education the valuable stone but the illumination is culture. Beyond bookish knowledge to observe national holidays with proper view and to unveil the students’ talent with great life force would constitute a unique assemblage in the midst of diversified tastes and trends, unity in diversity.

Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man – the maxim of Francis Bacon is aptly applicable in the discipline of Law. Our college extends its caring hands in and out of the classroom existence to debate in seminar or contemporary baffling social issues along with gem like guest lectures to relate themselves with the personalities. To kindle the spark dormant in each student’s bosom through writing and communication skill and penetrating the relevant issues is our first and fore most commitment. Our experienced and dedicated teaching faculty can easily transmit and transport them to the acme of achievement and accomplishment through tutorial study, personal interaction and proper monitoring system. The system, needless to say, encourages the students to overcome their academic as well as non-academic problems and bring back to the main stream of life and spirit.

Moot Court Competition

Law College integrates classroom learning with practical learning. We are with strong belief that our life, lived in the social background, should properly be realized only if the students are duly endowed with the practical knowledge of law. Institutional legal education in the traditional class room method must happily be coupled with mock court session. It obviously inspires the development of abilities in writing briefs, oral advocacy and dialectical thoughts. The Moot Court programme encourages the development of skill in writing of briefs and oral advocacy. The Moot Court is practiced in different stages like analysis of the facts of a case to arrive at legal points, to understand decided cases in light of a case presented in the Moot Court, preparation of the plaint, written statement, drafting and oral arguments and conduct of the participant with opponent counselors and the bench. We very consciously lay high emphasis in this aspect consciously lay high emphasis in this aspect.