Specification Of Rooms And Other Infrastructural Facilities For D.El.Ed. Course.

Instructional carpet area Administrative carpet area Other Area TOTAL BUILDUP AREA Class Room Multipurpose Hall Principal Room Office Room Staff Room ( Teacher's Room)
707.236 Sq.m 233. 735 Sq.m 578.465Sq. m 1519.436 Sq.m 1.575.73 Sq.Ft
53.487Sq. m.
54.71 Sq.m.
2395.7 Sq.ft
222.567 Sq.m
186.81 Sq.ft
17.355 Sq.m
305.2 Sq.ft
28.354 Sq.m
398.23 Sq.ft
36.996 Sq.m
Chemistry Resource Centre Laboratory Physics & Mathematics Resource Centre Laboratory Biological Resource Centre Laboratory Psychology Resource Centre Laboratory E. T. Resource Centre Laboratory Library Cum Reading Room CT Resource Centre Art & Craft Resource Centre Health & Physical Education Resource Centre
284.86 Sq.ft
26.464 Sq.m
272.826 Sq.ft
25.346 Sq.m.
284. 93 Sq.ft
26.47 Sq.m
379.26 Sq.ft
35.234 Sq.m
513 Sq.ft
47.659 Sq.m
938.70 Sq.ft
87.208 Sq.m
281.01 Sq.ft
26.106 Sq.m
313.26 Sq.ft
29.102 Sq.m
270.53 Sq.ft
25.133 Sq.m
Administrative Office Visitors Room Girls Common Room Seminar Room Canteen Toilet for Boy Toilet for Girls Parking Space Store Room Multi Purpose Play Field TOTAL BUILDUP AREA Provision of Hostel if any
377.33 Sq.ft
35.05 Sq.m
1248.46 Sq.ft
115.98 Sq.m
281.01 Sq.ft
26.66 Sq.m
513.98 Sq.ft
47.75 Sq.m
290.89 Sq.ft
26.72 Sq.m
126.56 Sq.ft
126.56 Sq.ft
11.757 Sq.m
11.757 Sq.m
136.02 Sq.ft
136.02 Sq.ft
12.636 Sq.m
12.636 Sq.m
1400 Sq.ft
130.064 Sq.m
84.02 Sq.ft
84.02 Sq.ft
7.805 Sq.m.
7.805 Sq.m.
7200 Sq.ft
668.901 Sq.m
24955.012Sq .ft
2318.405 Sq.m
No / Non-residentia I